Now the question is how to maintain a proper oral hygiene to protect the teeth from damage? Well let us see how it is.
How would a well maintained teeth look like?
- Your teeth will be free of plaque and debris
- Your gums do not bleed when you brush, indicates they are infection free.
- You are free from bad breath.
These are the major signs indicating you are maintaining a proper oral hygiene. But how to achieve is the major concern. Here are few instructions:
- Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste and make a habit of washing your mouth thoroughly after consuming any kind of food.
- Brush your teeth in up-down and circular motion, never brush sideways as this will eventually abrade your teeth, leading to hyper sensitivity.
- Floss your teeth at least once in a day.
- Watch what you eat, avoid excess consumption of sticky and sugary foods. Especially children should avoid taking such foods to prevent tooth decays.
- Eat foods rich in calcium and minerals to build healthier and stronger teeth.
- Visit your dentist every six months to get a thorough dental check up as it is always wise to detect dental problems at the earliest stage and get appropriate treatment done.
- Children should be taken to a dentist as a rule of thumb “first visit at the first birthday".
- Parents should start brushing their child's teeth when their first tooth appears. Use a soft brush and a non-fluoridated tooth paste. Children of age five and above can use fluoridated tooth paste as permanent teeth starts erupting at this age.
that we have the basic knowledge of maintaining oral hygiene, let us look at
the consequences of bad oral hygiene.
- Accumulation of plaque leads to bacterial growth resulting in dental caries.
- Poor oral hygiene leads to gum infection resulting in red, swollen and bleeding gums and bone loss.
- Bleeding gums give bacteria direct access into the blood stream. Certain bacteria stick to the blood cells (platelets) leading to blood clots which increases the risk of heart stroke or attack.
- As oral cavity is a gate way to the rest of the body, the bacteria in plaque can travel from mouth to lungs causing lung infections or aggravating already existing infection.
Maintain a good oral hygiene to lead an overall healthy life
A Good smile is mirror of good health. To have attractive smile and personality, a person needs to take care of oral hygiene. By avoiding some bad habits like smoking, junk foods and taking proper oral care, you will not have any dental related problem.